
If you don't already know or maybe its been a while since we have chatted. My name is Shirley Arreola-Kern, and I am a GRADUATE of Ellensburg High School! Go Dawgs! Also I am currently studying "abroad" aka out of state at Illinois Institute of Technology! I WAS majoring in Aerospace Engineering and am now loving every minute of Political Science Pre-Law!! One wierd thing I found that I like is Technical Drawing, which is why I am getting a minor in Engineering Graphics! I would love to hear from you just drop a note for me! Have a wonderful Day!
Love and Blessings,

Friday, January 29, 2010

कमिंग बेक तो ईट अस अ स्टुडेंट! COMING BACK TO IIT AS A WEATHERED STUDENT!

Coming back to IIT after Christmas break I realized how much different my life is than people back home and who I was in August. Its fun to be back even though I do miss people back home! Its different here because my parents are not constantly looking over my shoulder and I actually have to make my self study. I also am not as busy without the sports and the millions of activities I did in High School. But its also nice that I can sit down and relax without having to worry about what I am missing. Last semester was far from my best but I have learned a lot of knowledge for graduation but also about life. IIT has made me a much weathered student and here a just a few quick fact on how!!

In an earlier blog i said i had an awesome schedule, not getting up till 10 getting done by 3pm and not having class on Fridays...but that is so not true. I learned a very important lesson if you want to sleep in till 10 Mondays, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdays and Fridays register EARLIER or u get up at 8:00 or sooner for class. I now have my calculus class at 8:35 am and class on Fridays...grrr. But lesson one of 3.

In high school I took hard classes and studied for them, but half of my classes I could do the homework in the class before and still be fine. Here its the other way around, I'm taking some of the easier classes offered but have to work 3x as hard as before. I have to actually study which I guess is making it easier to goof of and not do my work. But I'm changing that this semester and trying not to finish my homework the day of and trying to make it at least the day before if possible. Lesson 2 of 3.

The final lesson is how to have fun. I have enjoyed all of the socialization here at IIT!! I mean I still have fun with my friends back home but I think I am having way more fun than I did before!! Its exciting to go to Chicago in less than a few minutes and just go exploring!!! Its also fun to hang out on my dorm floor too!! We have so many memories that it would be hard to narrow it down to a couple. But to highlight some weekly occurrences!! Floor study parties!! NERF GUN WARS!! mainly shooting at each other then throwing the darts at each other!! and the best is staying up talking way past all of our bedtimes!!! Lesson 3 of 3 and by far the most important!!

Even though its only been a four months I officially am certified to talk about IIT... even though I have been doing that for like four months. I have enjoyed last semester but this semester is gonna be awesome!!!

But as the Day Ends here I must stop to pray for another day and stop typing!! Have a wonderful time in all your doings!!
Love and Blessings

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