
If you don't already know or maybe its been a while since we have chatted. My name is Shirley Arreola-Kern, and I am a GRADUATE of Ellensburg High School! Go Dawgs! Also I am currently studying "abroad" aka out of state at Illinois Institute of Technology! I WAS majoring in Aerospace Engineering and am now loving every minute of Political Science Pre-Law!! One wierd thing I found that I like is Technical Drawing, which is why I am getting a minor in Engineering Graphics! I would love to hear from you just drop a note for me! Have a wonderful Day!
Love and Blessings,

Monday, September 21, 2009


OMG! Homecoming week has been difficult but fun! This was our first week of midterms, man am i glad to get those out of the way! I am glad to already be this far into school, but it is kinda stinky that I'm taking important tests while most of my friends just started school this past Wednesday. In the long run i will eventually have way more fun during my long summer!! But back to the homecoming events!!! The week started with window painting!! I was so happy to get to help one of the groups! Its really cool to walk around campus and see all of the different spirit group windows! The week was filled with events ranging from a club night to flag football. The other cool things were the volleyball game and the main event of the Men and Women's Soccer game! All of our teams did really well beating all opponents in seemingly flawless performances. To end the week, one of the coolest events by far, there was a ginormous carnival!!! It was sooo much fun!! I volunteered to help set up and got to try out all the rides before everyone came!! We had a rock climbing wall, mazes, jumping houses, wrecking ball, laser tag, gladiator wars, and moon walks. The best one ever was the bungee run!! I was so much fun to run and then get pulled back by the bungee cord!! It was a lot of fun watching everyone enjoying the different toys big kids love toys too!!!

But as the Day Ends here I must stop to pray for another day and stop typing!! Have a wonderful time in all your doings!!
Love and Blessings

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