
If you don't already know or maybe its been a while since we have chatted. My name is Shirley Arreola-Kern, and I am a GRADUATE of Ellensburg High School! Go Dawgs! Also I am currently studying "abroad" aka out of state at Illinois Institute of Technology! I WAS majoring in Aerospace Engineering and am now loving every minute of Political Science Pre-Law!! One wierd thing I found that I like is Technical Drawing, which is why I am getting a minor in Engineering Graphics! I would love to hear from you just drop a note for me! Have a wonderful Day!
Love and Blessings,

Thursday, January 10, 2013


The Holidays are always a wonderful time for me because of all of the family and friends I get to spend time with. For most people Thanksgiving is the time for relaxing just before finals however if you are political science it is the week before finals. That week I did not get to relax like most of my peers save the architecture student but was forced to study. Although they were not called finals but last exams they were basically the same thing. Finals ended up being a little less stressful this year than last year!! WOoot! THe benefit of only taking 12 credits was that I was able to make the DEANS LIST!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOT ! Yeah me!

Going home was also very relaxing for the first of six weeks. After that there was not a moment of rest except for the time I was sleeping! Break was filled with lots of family and work! The best part about this was that there was always someone to cuddle with. Another benefit to working was the treats!! My aunt is very good at making dessert particularly truffles!!! She makes the best mint (crushed mint oreos!) truffles around Christmas. Although this is really bad for the weight loss plan my grandma and I had I still lost weight!

Now I am getting ready for my last semester here at IIT!! Yeah happy time Woot what could be better! (not a real sentence I know!) I will be taking 24 credits the most I have ever taken (obviously) while at IIT or any other school. This will be the most taxing but fun semester here at IIT. 2 Student Orgs, 8 Classes, 15 Hrs at work! ASB will be lots of fun with the friendships and community impact. Mock Trial will also be taxing because of the work required for being an attorney (fingers crossed on memorizing 2 openings). Work will be fun with all of the different events we host in the spring for prospective students. And then of course we cannot forget the future! Working on applications for school and work also takes alot of time!

If you think you will need me for anything please make the request at least 2 weeks in advance! Or just go put it on my wall calender!

But as the Day Ends here I must stop to pray for another day and stop typing!! Have a wonderful time in all your doings!!
Love and Blessings