
If you don't already know or maybe its been a while since we have chatted. My name is Shirley Arreola-Kern, and I am a GRADUATE of Ellensburg High School! Go Dawgs! Also I am currently studying "abroad" aka out of state at Illinois Institute of Technology! I WAS majoring in Aerospace Engineering and am now loving every minute of Political Science Pre-Law!! One wierd thing I found that I like is Technical Drawing, which is why I am getting a minor in Engineering Graphics! I would love to hear from you just drop a note for me! Have a wonderful Day!
Love and Blessings,

Thursday, October 25, 2012


September and  the first half of October tend to be the busiest times at IIT in the Fall because of the many activities we have!! Homecoming is always fun because of the different activities UB offers. For the first time ever I went to a College Dance! (although I didn't really stay for very long after it actually started :)) The theme this year was Across the Universe with the Beetles being the stars of the week! Throughout homecoming there were many events for the spirit teams and students in general. There were inflatable toys on Monday, Laser Tag Tuesday, on Wednesday was The Roommate Game, Disco Headphone Dance Party Thursday, Friday was the Homecoming Dance, and Saturday was Carnival!! Friday night was in the HUB expo which actually came out really cool with all of the decorations and of course free food!! :) 

Saturday was not only carnival but the Homecoming games for the Volleyball and Soccer teams! Both the men and women soccer won their games with a 3-2 and 6-1 respectively. On October 8th we had fall break!! Lovely way to only have a 3 day week, especially when midterms are in the middle of that week! The Saturday of Fall Break we had the 1st Annual Fall fest which rivaled any event we have had on campus in the last 4 years. Fall feast had a circus performer emcee, two fantastic comedians, a super-talented violinist, and two bands. The two bands were Young London and Windsor Drive both of which featured pretty cool talent!

The only problem with awesome things happening is that academics start to suffer :(. But not this year, with only 12 credits I was able to participate in the events without having my grades suffer! WOOT WOOT, first time for a lot of things senior year! In one class I even got an A on my midterm exam, and that would be the most important SENIOR SEMINAR! (Yup officially a senior!) One of the better parts is that I also found out that I have a take home final and a final paper INSTEAD OF AN EXAM!!!!!!! The bad part about the midterms this year was two of my hardest ones were on the same day and the day after I hosted a student. I'm sorry to the student for being lame and having to study and making you watch movies. Side note that was the first time I watched Capt America and Ironman 2. 

Another good thing about my midterms being over is this last weekend I got to relax!! Oh and go downtown for the most Delicious cupcakes ever MORE cupcakes! If you get tagged in one of their pictures you get a free cupcake!!!! OMG this is the 4th time I been tagged and lamely enough only the 2nd time I have claimed it :). I walked in 2 minutes before they were closed and got a certificate to come back because they ran out of the Chocolate Chocolate that I was tagged in... I got a carrot cake instead! 3.51 is okay for a cupcake that is that Delicious! :) Following that I went to Jamba Juice, again just before they closed (Im getting good at that!). Then I went to water tower thinking I would get WOW Bao and Godiva, little did I know they close at 6 pm on Sundays. And as it happened they were only letting people in the lobby because of the thunderstorms that were going through Chicago all afternoon. So I have to wait till the coming weekend to get my free chocolate :( very sad day but it got better when my monday class was cancelled! On the day I had to present to the class on the Bottom of the Pyramid (buisness model) the most excitingest bestest topic ever! NOT. Happy Monday!

But as the Day Ends here I must stop to pray for another day and stop typing!! Have a wonderful time in all your doings!!
Love and Blessings